I used to be scared to use foundation, for many years I didn't have any simply because I didn't know how to buy them. When I was 15 or 16 I asked a friend of mine for some samples of Avon foundations but all of them looked like a mask on my face, the colour was wrong, the structure was bad, besides I knew nothing about bases you can use to smooth the skin, etc. In one word, disaster.
I did not use any foundation for the whole high school and the beginning of university. Back then I only used mascara. However, one day girls from my group recommended me Rimmel's Recover Foundation 103 True Ivory. I'm not sure how it was, either they bought a magazine with sample, or a magazine with discount for the whole packaging, or they just told me that it's cheaper for some time, I don't remember. I don't even remember if I got sample first, but I think I decided to risk the money and buy it anyway. It wasn't much back then, about 26zł (~9USD). Luckily it fit perfectly! The next day I came to classes wearing it and a friend asked me if I finally got some sleep because I looked fresh for the first time in a while ( ´ ▽ ` ) I was so happy I managed to find foundation that suited me that I've been buying it for the next six years and did not change it until quite recently.
Some day in either 2010 or 2009 I though that maybe I should try some other foundation. On the spur of the moment I decided to buy Rimmel's Stay Matte, also 103 Ivory. I've been wearing it for few days and friends noticed the change, they thought I looked more pale and less natural so I stopped using it.
During my first year of MA I happened to help a friend during an exam and since she managed to pass thanks to that, she presented me several cosmetics by GEORGE, an English company I never heard about. Among the things I got there was an Ultra Sheer foundation no.1 Porcelain. I tried it but it looked gross, I could see each pore on my face, each dry skin and the colour didn't really match.
I need to add that at that time I was using my fingers to apply foundation, but slowly I started to watch some YouTube guru videos and they really made me think about buying a foundation brush.
I also did not use any base and that was my biggest mistake. Long before the brush I got the base and that was a bull's eye. A base + Rimmel's Recover was an amazing combination and it could definitely suit me for the next 10 years but one day in 2010 I've been strolling through Rossmann store and on another spur of the moment I bought another foundation, Rimmel's Match Perfection. More or less at the same time I got myself a brush from Sephora. It's kinda funny because so far my favourite foundation was Rimmel's Recover but it occurred that it looks pretty bad when applied with brush. On the other hand, the Stay Matte and GEORGE Ultra Sheer look better and I can actually wear them. It made me happy cause I don't like to waste money but among all of them I liked the newest one best, the Rimmel's Match Perfection applies wonderfully with a brush so it's a pleasure to use it and it looks nice, although my forehead started to shine a little, dunno if that's this foundation or base or just me being ill atm.
So, it's 2010 and I had 4 foundation I need to finish. I also started the Internet project 10pan (you mustn't buy new product from certain category until you finish the old one totally, eg. no new foundation until you use your present one completely. I decided not to buy any new foundation until I use those I had.
However, I remembered I had some samples left, these were:
Bourjois 10 hour Sleep Effect, 72 Rose Clair
Bourjois Healthy Mix, 53 Light beige
Max Factor Second Skin, 75 Golden
L'Oreal Matte Morphose, 140 Creamy Natural
Astor Perfect Stay 24H, but it doesn't state the colour, it says 200, dunno if that implies the colour number.
So far I tried 3 of them.
Max Factor Second Skin, 75 Golden - It was too gold for my skin and looked like a mask when I looked at the jaw line but in general in was pretty and covered really well. I'd definitely would love to try another colour but I don't feel any urge to buy it now.
Bourjois Healthy Mix, 53 Light beige - This one is SIMPLY AMAZING! I've been checking prices in stored and I fight with myself in order not to buy it. My friend also say it looks great, it covers perfectly and makes my faces look flawless. Still, the colour was a bit too dark, just a little, my friend said it looks great but when I asked her to look closer at the jaw line she said that maybe one tone lighter would be better. The price is a bit high so it's the only argument for not buying it but if I happen to find it cheaper I may not be able to restrain Σヽ(°Д°; )ノ
Bourjois 10 hour sleep effect, 72 Rose Clair - I used it today and it was a mistake because I went to a photograph today. It looked ok in a mirror (even though the colour was little odd) but when I saw myself in photos I was scared, the flashlight made the jawline visible, I'm afraid I'll have to scan the photos, fix it in photoshop and somehow print again, I still hope the guy will retouch it a bit, I shall see tomorrow. I don't know if it's just the colour or today's experience but I decided not to wear it again.
In the project 10pan I also decided not to buy any new base until I use my present one and because I already have only a little left (for 2-3 more applications, I guess) I had to go shopping for a new one today. I decided to try one from Astor but it occurred that it costs 47zł (~16USD), so little to much for just a small base, esp since I don't know if it's worth it. I almost passed on it but then I saw this sweet set of this very base and ...Mattitude High Definition foundation, 001 Ivory <(_ _)><(_ _)> for 45zł, so less than the same base on its own!! The foundation looked so promising, haha, and since it was for free (the base was supposed to be a gift to the foundation but looking at the price, the foundation could be considered a gift) I bought it ( ´ ▽ ` ). I haven't used it yet but I tried it on my hand and the consistency seems great, more like a mousse, cannot wait for tomorrow to try it, I also have a match tomorrow so I will test it in difficult conditions, hope it won't melt on my face o(≧▽≦)o
This is more or less my foundation story, quite short but at the same time the post is long. I promised to myself not to buy any new foundation for at least one year but this Healthy Mix is still running in my head, it's gonna be so hard, wish me luck xD
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